Greenlight Music: Spotlights
Spotlights were part of continued updates after the launch of the Greenlight Music MVP which didn’t include any kind of curation or collections. Spotlights were our first foray into curating content and were intended to be created, updated and removed often.
This page provided access to our various Spotlights. It was kept simple, providing a full list of Spotlights on the left panel as well as a hero slider of highlighted Spotlights at the time. The left panel was intended to eventually include more functionality as we expanded to provide more curated lists including genres, time periods, and moods.
Each spotlight would include a hero image with a brief summary, a list of the most popular tracks and a list of the tracks in the spotlight. To minimize page load times the number of tracks were limited and a link to ‘See all’ would display a results page that allowed the user to paginate through the items. Initial designs solved this problem by introducing infinite scroll to the page but we hadn’t implemented infinite scroll elsewhere and the solution was vetoed in favor of a quicker launch.
Additional Thoughts
The project was another simple one but acted as a stepping stone as I moved on to larger projects. The Spotlights themselves were not a new concept as streaming services were quickly becoming industry standard and curated playlists were being quickly adopted with it. Even if the use was slightly different a lot of what feels standard about the project came from those now familiar concepts and I’m happy I didn’t try to reinvent the wheel.